Clusters meet Culture: are we talking the same language?news

by cmc-project on 10 July 2013 with Comments Off

The CMC Project’s partner met in Maribor (Slovenia) on April the 18th to discuss and share their common experience and knowledge about clusters, culture, creative industry and tourism. Ready to build a common and comprehensive idea of connection between culture and industry we are working in order to support the creation of public-private partnership between …

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CMC Project start up!!!news

by cmc-project on 5 July 2013 with Comments Off

The CMC Project has officially started! The first meeting has been organised in Venice (Italy) on November the 21st and 22nd at the premises of the Association of the Chambers of Commerce of the Veneto Region, Partner of the project, and in cooperation with the Veneto Region, Lead Partner. Five Countries and 10 Partners involved, …

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